The Best Services & Solution
Our team of consultants consists of professionals who have the skills and experiences of more than 20 years as practitioners in the customs and international trade.
Our team of consultants has completed a series of education and training in the field of customs and has officially been certified as customs experts.
The services and solutions we provide to clients are in accordance with the experience of our team as practitioners and/or generally accepted best practices, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
We are a certified consulting firm specializing in the Customs and International Trade. Customs and international trade, to date, are complex and dynamic. Practices may vary from country to country. Not only for newcomers or potential investors, companies that have been in business for a long time are still often faced with problems in customs and international trade which are often scary and even confusing.
Failure to make the right decisions, in customs and international trade practices, can cause companies to end up with operational disruptions, inefficiencies, and fines which in turn will cause significant financial losses. The use of professional consultants is a necessity and part of the solution for companies.
Our Clients
Our company focuses on Customs & International Trade Consulting Services.
There are 13 services from us that can be tailored to the needs of your company.
A unique service providing advice and consultation to clients on issues of common and new customs and trade, such as procedures and export/import, regulatory implications, trade quotas, restrictions and prohibition of trade, the benchmark price, trade preference schemes, customs facilities and many more.
Non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the Customs can seriously lead to unexpected implications to the company, things like disruption of operations, financial loss till the risk on business continuity.
Customs audit is a certainty. It is only a matter of time. The audit is carried out within a certain time span, at least within the last 24 (twenty-four) months.
The service provides assistance and accompaniment to company facing an audit from Customs. Through this assistance, company will be able to avoid major findings of the audit and at the same time to focus on its daily operations escaping from the complexity of the audit norms.
Sometimes companies importing goods are subject to customs invoices by Customs and Excise Officials in the form of SPTNP (Letter Determination of Tariffs and/or Customs Value).
If the objection is rejected by the Director General of Customs and Excise, while the company believes that its supporting documents, data and information are valid and can be accounted for, the company can file an appeal in the Tax Court.
In accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations, several import and/or export commodities are subject to import and/or export provisions which are commonly referred to as goods subject to prohibitions and restrictions (LARTAS) refer to the applicable HS Code (Post Tariff) number.
Individuals or business entities that will and/or are already carrying out their business activities in Indonesia, especially those that are export-oriented, can choose one of the customs facilities provided by the Indonesian government, for example: Bonded Zone, Bonded Warehouse, Bonded Logistics Center, Ease of Import for Export Purposes (KITE) , Temporary Imports, Government Borne Import Duties, and others.
In accordance with the applicable regulations, companies using customs facilities, specifically Bonded Zone, Bonded Warehouse, Bonded Logistics Center, and Ease of Import for Export purposes (KITE) are required to utilize information technology for managing the incoming and outgoing of goods (“IT Inventory”).
This service is specifically catered for companies using Bonded Zone facilities. All transactions, both incoming and outgoing of goods, must be properly and orderly documented and recorded in the IT Inventory. All shall comply with the applicable Bonded Zone provisions.
Deliver and explain to potential investors the latest regulations on investment which include the minimum investment value, investment negative list, and others.
PCC assists companies in obtaining permits needed in customs, trade, industry, and other fields.
Assets for the companies are when they have their staffs equipped with appropriate skills and knowledge. Stay updating with the latest applied practices and prevailing rulings is essential.
Please contact us to get more detailed information or only consult with our professional team, our team will provide valuable experience for you.
Because PCC provides support to the business sector in Indonesia. With personnel consisting
of experienced experts in their fields from various industrial backgrounds,
as actors and practitioners for more than 20 years.
Our team of consultants consists of professionals who have the skills and experiences of more than 20 years as practitioners in the customs and international trade. We are very familiar with the needs of the company, therefore.
Our team of consultants has completed a series of education and training in the field of customs and has officially been certified as customs experts.
The services and solutions we provide to clients are in accordance with the experience of our team as practitioners and/or generally accepted best practices, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
What did they say?
"Kami percayakan beberapa urusan perijinan di kawasan berikat kepada Pratama Cendikia Consutant (PCC) selama bertahun-tahun. Hasilnya selalu tepat waktu dan memuaskan. Diskusi tentang permasalahan dan inovasi di Kawasan Berikat dengan PCC sangat mencerahkan. Semoga PT Guntner Indonesia dan PCC bisa selalu bekerjasama lebih baik di masa yang akan datang"
"Kami sudah menggunakan jasa PCC sejak awal kami berdiri. PCC selalu merespon dengan cepat baik via email, telpon, atau pun WA. Saat kami membutuhkan penjelasan maka penjelasan gamblang dan panjang lebar yang akan kami dapatkan. Jika PCC bilang akan 'follow up' maka PCC akan benar-benar melakukan 'follow up'. Dokumen-dokumen yang kami percayakan pada PCC untuk kerjakan semuanya selesai sesuai dengan janji waktu yang PCC sampaikan. Profesional."
We provide answers related to common questions that often arise, please choose the
frequently asked questions that we present below, if you have not found one that fits your question.
Please contact us on our contact us page
Jakarta Office
Jl. Kemang Dahlia Raya E. 12
Kemang Pratama 2, Bekasi 17116 Indonesia
Surabaya Office
Jl. Raya Waru 30A Waru
Sidoarjo 61256 Indonesia
Jakarta Office
Phone : +6221 8206565
Mobile : +62811 3334 2444
Surabaya Office
Phone : +6231 854 9837
Mobile : +62811 3334 2444
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